One Simple Goal

A goal is an aim or objective that someone is trying to achieve or reach. It is up to you what your goal or goals are. Why not start your journey to a more organised and simple life by setting yourself one simple goal to reach. If your goal is a big one you are […]
Positive Night Time Affirmations

We all hear about how important it is to have a good night’s sleep. Our health is intrinsically linked to the quality of our sleep. A parent’s goal is to make sure their babies get enough sleep. This of course continues as they become children. Could reciting some positive night time affirmations be the solution? Yes, […]
The Last Minute Rush

The stress of the last minute rush can be demoralizing to anyone. Who hasn’t experienced this phenomenon? Well, if you think you have not then are you really being honest with yourself? . “Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.” The best example that most people can relate to is enjoying your […]
Why Learning New Things is a Hobby We All Should Have

Every experience, both good and bad, teaches you something in life. It is up to you whether you are willing to learn from it and progress or just stay still. Maybe it gives you a chance to learn and open yourself up to new opportunities and adventures. Life is a journey we all go on […]
How To Embrace The Beauty of New Beginnings

Have you been thinking about what it would be like to start something new? Feel like you have been in a rut and life is just plodding along and you have no direction? Looking for some inspiration and new motivation, if you only could do something about it. Watching what other people have done and […]
Inspirational Quotes About Spring

Depending on where you are in the world this is the time of year that winter is losing its grip on nature and Spring is spreading. The days are getting longer and that means more chances to enjoy some bright daylight. Being outside and feeling the warmth in the sun is like the dark days […]
How To Do a Brain Dump in Five Steps

Could a brain dump be the solution to your busy schedule? Do you sometimes feel like your brain has too many tabs and you can’t even remember how many let alone which ones need attention first? Even with today’s time saving devices and apps you seem to be busier than ever and forgetting more things […]
Have We Forgotten the Meaning of Saying Thank You!

Have we forgotten how to say thank you? Just what does thank you mean? Words matter and it seems somewhere along the line we have forgotten what some words and phrases really mean and the importance of them. Thank you is a polite expression or phrase used to acknowledge a gift, service, a compliment or […]
What if the Top 3 Priorities Method isn’t working?

The goal to have an organised life is one that so many of us strive to achieve. You have probably heard and even read about the amazing “top 3 priorities” method of achieving efficiency and full productivity in your day. Click here for an example. If you have tried it and felt frustrated at how it […]
What is the Most Important Algorithm?

We hear the word algorithm so many times now and where was it before? How did we live without hearing it so much? Why is it now so important? How many algorithms are we meant to learn anyway? Just what is an algorithm? An algorithm is a process or set of rules or steps to […]