How to Improve your Work Life Balance

Who has the perfect work life balance. Are you running your own business? Or are you thinking of starting up your own business? Read endless articles about how these successful people seem to have it all. The easy life style. The successful business. The perfect family and home. You had that business idea and had […]
37 Motivational Fall Quotes to Inspire You

Why do we look for motivational Fall quotes? When seasons change it feels like it should be a time for reflection. The closing of one chapter and the opening of a new one. As children we were following the school calendar and it was always looking forward to the next event or holiday season. As […]
21 Organizational Quotes to Motivate You

Feeling overwhelmed with all the things that you need to do in your home, work or personal life? Looking for some inspirational organizational quotes to get you pumped up and ready to start organizing things? Or even some motivational words of wisdom to keep the momentum going then here are a collection of 21 organization […]
What is Trust?

What exactly does the word trust mean? It seems to be thrown around and not valued or acknowledged. How many of us really understand it and what it really means. AS A NOUN A firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. “relations have to be built on trust” AS A […]
When Do We Stop Asking Why?

Who springs to mind when you think of asking why? When do we stop? For anyone who spends any time with small children they know their innocence and excitement and their thirst for knowledge. The constant stream of questions. Why seems to be the most used. Why is the sky blue? Why are our fingers […]
Time Management is Life Management

Time Management is the process of organising and planning how to divide up your time to complete specific tasks or activities. This is working smarter not harder. It applies to both work life and private life. We can all think of someone who always claims to be busy. The question to ask is are they […]
What Can You Do In One Minute?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all that has to be done in one day? Have you wondered just how some people seem to be able to do it all and not be stressed? There is not enough minutes in the day. How do they do it and where do they have the time to get it […]
Effective Email Management

Why has email management become so important? With the introduction and amazing progress of technology the rumours of the paperless office began and most people thought it would make life easier with less paperwork. We would finally become more efficient and productive. We started dreaming about all we could do with the extra time in […]
Quotes About Being Shy or Cautious

Looking for a collection of quotes about being cautious or shy. Scroll down and check these out. Find the ones that inspire you. Cautious people should stand up, stand tall and let the light shine on them. They are important and have their place within society as much as the risk taking people. Maybe it is […]
Why is Being Shy Considered Negative?

Why do people think being shy is considered negative? The power of words and the impact they have on us. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of some of the words we use everyday and what they actually mean? I have and maybe that is the introvert in me or is it the curious […]