Motivational Quotes to Help Inspire You Today

The amazing beauty of motivational quotes. Pinterest is full of them as is the internet itself. They are aimed for the entrepreneurs among us, for work, students, women, men and athletes. Quotes about life or personal development. The list feels endless. I find quotes or phrases have different impacts on people. It really depends on […]
Introvert Entrepreneur Quotes

Are you an introvert who is thinking about how I could make it in the business world? Then this collection of Introvert entrepreneur quotes is perfect for you. It seems as if the world is full of over confident extroverts. It may surprise you to know that there are numerous introverts who have been and […]
21 Productivity Quotes for Entrepreneurs

Having some motivational productivity quotes on hand makes it easier to start my day in a positive way. Being a self-employed Virtual Assistant means it is all about being productive and using my time wisely and efficiently. We are only human and motivation is something that each of us needs to find and maintain. As […]