The Last Minute Rush

The stress of the last minute rush can be demoralizing to anyone. Who hasn’t experienced this phenomenon? Well, if you think you have not then are you really being honest with yourself? . “Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.” The best example that most people can relate to is enjoying your […]
67 Friday Quotes to Boost your Mood

Who couldn’t use some motivational Friday quotes to get you through the week. Why does it take longer to reach the clocking off time? Who doesn’t love Fridays and the excitement for the upcoming weekend. Students looking forward to time off school and workers eager to switch off from the grind of work. People who […]
Quotes About Being Shy or Cautious

Looking for a collection of quotes about being cautious or shy. Scroll down and check these out. Find the ones that inspire you. Cautious people should stand up, stand tall and let the light shine on them. They are important and have their place within society as much as the risk taking people. Maybe it is […]
61 Inspirational Winter Quotes

Sometimes we need some inspirational winter quotes to motivate us to get through the colder shorter days of the year. Winter has a wonderful way of sneaking up on us. Mother nature has its own timetable and we may enjoy a glorious Indian Summer (I wish) and sometimes even a longer Autumn where we can […]