If you have been looking for a collection of just breathe quotes to inspire you today then you have found it here.
There may seem to be so much negativity in the world and doom and gloom news. It is so easy to fall into the trap of feeling anxious about everything.
The one thing we can do right here and right now is to pause and take a moment.
Take a slow deep breath in through your nose. Hold it. Exhale slowly through your mouth.
Yes! Enjoy a nice deep breath of fresh air. Take in all the stress and worries and push it out as you exhale.
If you can get out in nature and feel the warmth of the sun on your face.
Check out the list of quotes and mantras that can help you get that focus and practise the art of deep breathing.
Deep breathing quotes
“Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.” — Frank Sinatra
“We breathe so that the trees thrive and the trees breathe so that we are able to live.” — Sanchita Pandey
“Ignore the noises around you that polarize and try to promote fear and division. You know better. Be better. Breathe.”― Gregory S. Williams
“Be strong now because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever.”
“Just breathe. When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.”
“The quality of your life is measured by the number of deep breaths you take. Make each breath count.”― Richie Norton
“Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be.”
“Breathe as long as the sky is alive.” —Munia Khan
“The wisest one-word sentence? Breathe.” — Terri Guillemets
“Deep breathing brings deep thinking and shallow breathing brings shallow thinking.” — Elsie Lincoln Benedict
“Only those who know how to breathe will survive.” — Pundit Acharya
Short quotes about breathing
“Inhale the present, exhale the past.”
When I breathe in, I feel hopeful.
“I breathe in my courage and exhale my fear.”
“Be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best you can.”
“Let your body breathe.”― Adrienne Posey
“Breathe. I am loved. I am wanted. I am appreciated.”
“Just breathe… You will never live this moment again.”
When I breathe out, I feel satisfied.
“Breathe in. Hello, moment. Breathe out. I am here.”
When people ask me what the most important thing is in life, I answer: ‘Just breathe.'” —Yoko Ono
“Breathe in. Breathe out. Move on.” — Jimmy Buffet
When I breathe out, I feel relaxed.
“Breathe in the beauty all around you.”― A.D. Posey
“Inhale blessings, exhale gratitude…”—Jessica Robinson
When I breathe in, I feel energized.
Breath quotes to soothe your mind
“When life feels too big to handle, go outside. Everything looks smaller when you’re standing under the sky.”― L.R. Knost
“Life is pretty easy. Breathe in and breathe out, then repeat.”
“I wake up every day and think, ‘I’m breathing! It’s a good day.’” — Eve Ensler
“Conscious breathing heightens awareness and deepens relaxation.” — Dan Brule
“Breathe. To Pause. To make space. To collect your thoughts. To remember. To face the next moment. To choose.”
“Breathe. A great time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” —Sydney Harris
Just breathe quotes about life
“I breathe in my courage and exhale my fear.”
When I breathe in, I feel energized. When I breathe out, I feel relaxed.
“Be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best you can.”
When I breathe in, I feel hopeful. When I breathe out, I feel satisfied.
“Breathe in the beauty all around you.”- A.D. Posey
“When people ask me what the most important thing is in life, I answer: “Just breathe.”” – Yoko Ono
Inspirational just breathe quotes
“Inhale blessings, exhale gratitude…”—Jessica Robinson
“Let your body breathe.” – Adrienne Posey
“Breathe. I am loved. I am wanted. I am appreciated.”
“Just breathe… You will never live this moment again.”
“Breathe in. Hello, moment. Breathe out. I am here.”
“Breathe in. Breathe out. Move on.” – Jimmy Buffet
Beautiful just breathe quotes
“When life feels too big to handle, go outside. Everything looks smaller when you’re standing under the sky.” – L.R. Knost
“To know even one life has breathed easier. Because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Life is pretty easy. Breathe in and breathe out, then repeat.”
“I wake up every day and think, ‘I’m breathing! It’s a good day.’” — Eve Ensler
“Conscious breathing heightens awareness and deepens relaxation.” — Dan Brule
“Breathe. To Pause. To make space. To collect your thoughts. To remember. To face the next moment. To choose.”
Inspirational breathe quotes
“Remember to breathe. It is, after all, the secret of life.” – Gregory Maguire
“When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.” – Unknown
“Keep breathing. Just keep doing it. It’s easy. In and out.” – Jenny Downham
“As you breathe in, cherish yourself. As you breathe out, cherish all Beings.” – Dalai Lama
Revenge is a caustic thing. I say, Breathe in, breathe deeply, let it go.” – Jason Statham
Deep breathing quotes about living life
Breathe deep and let go of things.
Keep calm and breathe deeply.
Slowly inhale. Hold. Exhale slowly.
Inhale Exhale.
Your breathe is your anchor.
Inhale the future, exhale the past.
Just breathe. You’ll never live this moment again.
“Smile, breathe, take it slow, and live a happy life.” – Johnny Lung
“Only those who know how to breathe will survive.” – Pundit Acharya