The Authentic Assistant

Congratulations You Have Won An Extra Day

Congratulations you have won an extra day this year. Celebrate 29th February

Yes! You have won an extra day. That is amazing when you think about it like that. In today’s world where we all seem to be rushed off our feet and too busy to do anything. We feel overwhelmed with all the things that we have to do or even want to do. Our to-do […]

Minimalist 2024 Calendar – Free Printables

Minimalist 2024 monthly calendar. free printables. Click on the download link. No sign up necessary

Looking for a free printable calendar for 2024 then you have found it. A beautiful minimalist design landscape format monthly planner calendar.  Each month has space for you to fill in your details and a small calendar of the upcoming month to help you keep an eye on the dates of the following month.  The […]

Free February Printable Planner Pages

Free February 2024 printables. 4 different forms of calendars

If you have been looking for some free February 2024 printable pages to organise your life and have not found the ones for you, then, this freebie planner templates are what you need. It is already nearly February and there are so many things to do. How can you keep track of everything? What else […]

50+ Inspirational Quotes For Your Vision Board

50+ Inspirational quotes and affirmations for your vision board

Have you thought about creating a vision board?  What is it anyway?  Well, if you try and find out what one is and why it is the thing to do you can go down that rabbit hole of lost time and energy.  Basically a vision board is a collection of images to reflect your goals […]

21 Things To Do This Month

21 things to do this month that can simplify your life

Looking for a list of 21 things to do this month? It is the beginning of a new year that means most of us are thinking about improving our lives in some way. The challenge is trying to figure out where to start or what to do.  Here is a list of 21 ideas that […]

How To Simplify Your New Year Resolution

How to simplify your new year resolution.

Making a new year resolution seems so daunting and scary. A whole year seems so long. Why not start a new one and say ok new month new beginnings. A month seems more manageable and one that can be tweaked or changed if needed. At the end of the year it is natural to go […]

A Collection of New Year Quotes

A collection of New Year quotes

The year is coming to a close and we are all looking for some inspirational New Year quotes. It means a new beginning and a fresh start. Maybe you made some new goals which you want to achieve or some plans.  Whether you have made them already or are looking for some motivation to get started, […]

Christmas Planning Made Easy

A photo of wrapped christmas present with a wooden calendar marked 25th December. A notepad and pencil ready for the list.

How is your Christmas planning going?  Yes it is December. The year has just flown by and it seems to go quicker every year. Are we wishing our lives away and just looking forward to things and not even enjoying the moment. We can’t change the fact that it is December and Christmas is around […]

How To Enjoy A Stress Free Thanksgiving

A photo of a white wooden table with Thanksgiving food and decor on it. The caption reads Stress free Thanksgiving planning

Can there be such a thing as a stress free Thanksgiving? While it is an exciting holiday celebration, most people are looking forward to some time off work and school. Some may travel to visit and spend time with family and friends.  It feels like a happy time. Yes of course, black Friday is also […]

Inspirational Customer Service Quotes

A collection of inspirational customer service quotes

The rollercoaster of customer service. We all deal with it everyday. For those of you working in customer service it really is a challenging profession. Yes, I call it a profession. Some people are amazing and the job is fun and so rewarding. Then there are the negative ones and they can be draining and […]